I’ve always had my own style. I don’t follow trends much and wear what I feel like wearing. I’ve done that my whole life. In some cases, I was able to get away with some styles at work, like wearing a man’s tie which I would at times. Traditional business and corporate, however, demands us…
The Thing About Change
Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. -Billy Cox So let’s paint the scenario. Is this how you feel? You try and try and try…. then nothing. Then after being mad, and crying, or overworking yourself, you do it all over again. You…
Whos’ that in the Mirror?
“I used to look in the mirror and feel shame, I look in the mirror now and I absolutely love myself” –Drew Barrymore Antagonism… despair, desperation, hostility, doubt. These are just a few of the feelings we humans live with, each day of our lives. We pack our minds with the negative side of our…